COESCAC members serve a two-year term. 

The call for nominations for open seats is distributed to College of Engineering staff in December. Interested staff members are asked to reply to the call expressing why they would be a good fit for the role. 

The list of interested volunteers will be reviewed by the School chairs, with recommendations forwarded to the dean, who will make the final selection. 

Those who are not selected still will have other opportunities to collaborate with COESCAC and their School’s leadership on the ongoing action planning initiatives. 

COESCAC members are individuals who: 

  • Can commit 2-3 hours a month on Council work, including but not limited to monthly meetings, touchpoints with their School chair, and all-staff events.  
  • Are interested in and passionate about moving the CoE staff experience and culture forward in a positive way and have ideas to further improve the staff experience. 
  • Are willing to be candid in expressing their opinions and respecting those of others.  
  • Are willing to serve as a representative of their unit to solicit input and communicate information downstream. 
  • Demonstrate leadership by proactively communicating to other CoE staff and supporting new initiatives.