We recognize some of the College’s stellar staff members each year who are exceptional in their dedication to CoE and help build a culture of excellence and positivity.  

Soaring Jacket Award

Meet our 2024 Winners 

headshot of Chriag Patel

Chirag Patel

Academic Advisor II 
Aerospace Engineering 

Lisa Zuba

Lisa Zuba

Grants Administrator Lead 
Biomedical Engineering  

Nisha Kukreja

Faculty Support Coordinator 
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering  

Shauna Bennett-Boyd

Administrative Manager II 
Civil and Environmental Engineering 

Dante Christmas

Dante Christmas

Unit Administrative Officer 
Electrical and Computer Engineering  

Monike Welch

Monike Welch 

Event Coordinator II 
Industrial and Systems Engineering  

Coco Ke

Coco Ke 

Administrative Manager II 
Materials Science and Engineering   

DeMarlo West

DeMarlo West 

Program & Operations Manager 
Mechanical Engineering   

Exceptional employees are self-motivated, critical thinkers that hold themselves accountable for the quality of their work and their interactions with others. The College of Engineering Soaring Jacket Award seeks to recognize a staff member displaying true exceptionalism through these traits and behaviors:  

  • Goes above and beyond in the execution of responsibilities  
  • A go-getter with a consistently positive attitude 
  • Exhibits a high level of professionalism 
  • Team player that inspires others 
  • Displays genuine concern and care for colleagues 
  • Consistently produces an exceptional quality of work 
  • Effective problem-solver    

Any CoE staff or faculty member may submit a nomination or letter of support for a staff member. One Soaring Jacket is selected from each School and each winner receives $300. 

2024 Winner

scott jacobson

Scott Jacobson

Application Developer Senior
Industrial and Systems Engineering

Creative thinkers are the backbone of a successful organization and the conduit for progress. The College of Engineering Innovation & Process Improvement Award seeks to celebrate our forward thinkers, who are critical to propelling our Institute forward. 

The award recognizes a staff member or team of staff members who have utilized creative thinking to develop and implement a process, plan, or solution benefitting the School, College, or Institute in one of the manners below: 

  • Cost savings 
  • Time savings 
  • Work productivity 
  • Compliance or risk management 
  • Safety 
  • Program success 

One individual or one team will be selected and a monetary award of $3,000 will be provided to the winning individual or split amongst team members. 

Culture Champion Award

Meet our 2023 Winners

Cheryl Scott

Cheryl Scott

Acquisition Support Supervisor 
Aerospace Engineering 

Sheyil Taylor

Sheyil Taylor

Faculty Support Coordinator 
Biomedical Engineering 

Nisha Kukreja

Nisha Kukreja

Faculty Support Coordinator 
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 

Tracey Boothe-Miller

Tracey Boothe-Miller

Academic Program Manager 
Civil and Environmental Engineering  

Mitsuko Ito

Mitsuko Ito

Academic Program Coordinator 
Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Julie Smith

Julie Smith

Unit Administrative Officer 
Industrial and Systems Engineering 

Hope Payne

Hope Payne

Faculty Support Coordinator 
Materials Science and Engineering 

Mack Curtis

Mack Curtis

Academic Assistant 
Mechanical Engineering  

People are Georgia Tech’s greatest assets. The culture in which we work helps bring out the best in our employees and promotes a sense of belonging. Culture includes the behaviors, beliefs, assumptions, priorities, and experiences of the people in an environment. 

Great workplace culture doesn’t just happen; it must be actively and intentionally cultivated. Culture can drive and enhance performance and growth. A positive work culture: 

  • Builds trust 
  • Is team-oriented and collaborative 
  • Allows for open and transparent communication 
  • Values and celebrates hard work and expertise 
  • Involves and empowers employees 
  • Gives staff “permission” to go the extra mile 
  • Recognizes the efforts and achievements of others 

To highlight individuals in CoE who are striving to build a better culture in their School and in the College, the CoE Staff Culture Advisory Council (COESCAC) created the Culture Champion Award.  

This award recognizes a staff member in each CoE school who advocates for a positive and productive culture and works to support and/or develop successful cultural practices — one who strives to make a difference. Nomination packages can use the positive work culture descriptors above as a guide and provide examples where appropriate. 

Any staff or faculty member may submit a nomination or letter of support for a staff member of their School. One winner per school will be selected and announced at Staff Engagement Day. Their name will be added to a wall plaque in their School.