Georgia Tech Staff Council

The Staff Council aims to better understand perspectives that are representative of the broad population of staff about matters of institutional importance and to communicate those perspectives, along with advice and suggestions, to the Institute’s executive leaders. The Council works to engage, advocate, and inform.

Engagement @Tech

Creating a positive workplace and enriching the culture of the Institute by developing programs and strategies that boost employee well-being, build opportunities for employees to find meaning and thrive, and recognize the accomplishments of all people.

Workplace Learning & Professional Development

Tech employees have access to resources on and off campus, curated to support your professional development, improve your well-being, boost your sense of belonging, and recognize your accomplishments.


Using the foundations of a leadership mindset and the Competing Values Framework of organizations, ASPIRE challenges aspiring leaders to cultivate a leadership mindset and learn to lead from where they are.


Strategically designed to foster the professional development and career growth of Georgia Tech employees, MentorTech seeks to build diverse networks across the Institute — no matter your age or skill level.

Professional Development Circles

Designed as small, organized groups of people leaders, Professional Development Circles draw together faculty and staff from all levels of the Institute for collaborative problem solving, encouragement, connection building, and leadership fluency.